Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Shop at big box stores? Buy for food banks too

March 30, 2020

Get a case or two of food for the Food Bank with every visit. If you garden, add a row of potatoes, squash, cabbage, peas. 

Salad garden at Bridgewater Bistro 2016

Shelf-stable food is key. At the top of the list are canned and boxed foods. Think about buying a case or two every time you shop. In times of great need, while cash donations are great, food banks have to stop and go buy food. If you also donate the right foods, food banks keep on filling orders for their clients. 

Canned fruit 
Canned vegetables 
Canned beans and chili 
Canned meals: Ravioli, pasta in sauce, stew, etc
Canned fish and meat:  tuna, salmon, chicken, etc
Canned soup
Spaghetti sauce
Peanut butter 
Boxed meals—macaroni and cheese, and similar

In the past couple of weeks with so many people involuntarily at home, food bank visits have gone up by more than 25%, a trend that will continue for some time. 

For donations, link to our Community Food Fund: https://spccf.fcsuite.com/erp/donate/create?funit_id=1126

Be well. 

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