Monday, January 16, 2017

Happenings at the Foundation

As 2017 gets underway, it's time for an update on new funds at the foundation. Several new funds were started in 2016. Web pages for each one will follow shortly. Meanwhile, these funds are listed on our main donation page, and open for new donations. See our current list at:

Janet Mack Wilson Memorial Fund celebrates the life of a beloved wife, mother, active community member and mathematician from Bay Center, who died mid year.  This fund provides up to two $5,000 scholarships in fundamental sciences and engineering to graduating seniors of South Bend and Raymond High Schools. 
Donate to this fund:

Natural Resource Center Fund was opened by the Friends of Willapa National Wildlife Refuge. This dynamic group is starting a multi-year capital campaign. The refuge badly needs new offices. The Friends want to add visitor amenities that are usually not included in refuge building projects, so they asked the foundation for support in managing their capital campaign, and the board (of course) said 'Yes!'
Donate to this fund:

Pacific County Marine Resources Committee Fund was started by the PCMRC to help bridge the gap between state funding and private donations for projects and events. PCMRC is an active county committee that supports habitat restoration, education and local science events in Pacific County. 
Donate to this fund:

South Pacific County Fisheries Trust Fund was opened by local fishermen to support retention of fishing permits in local waters. Commercial fishing is a key part of our economy. No one in south county wants to look up some day and see that there are no local commercial fishing boats or seafood processors. When permits come up for sale, often they are purchased by out of area processors or fishermen. Working with a local nonprofit fishermen's association, the foundation will transfer donations to the appropriate entity to buy out permits, which will then be leased or sold to new incoming fishermen. 
Donate to this fund:

Other funds are pending:  Wellspring Community Network is opening a fund soon to help fund some of their projects. Local residents contact us regularly about bequests, as a result we have several pending funds that will open in the future with significant bequests. 

Offering our best wishes for a happy and healthy 2017 to all!